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10 Tweets that you can relate to if you grew up in North Yorkshire

We've put together some tweets that only people who grew up in North Yorkshire can relate to.

There are some things that only people who grew up in North Yorkshire will understand. We have put together 10 things you can only relate to if you grew up in North Yorkshire.


Having a cup of tea every minute of the day is essential.


Nothing beats chips and gravy.


We make up our own language that only people from North Yorkshire can understand.


You are used to farm animals causing traffic.


You could argue all day about the pronunciation of scone.


Sunday Dinner is the most important meal of the week.


North Yorkshire is the only place in Britain where this is acceptable.


A cup of tea solves anything and everything.


What else would you call it?


You love meeting other people from North Yorkshire.


Hopefully you related to some of these things. Do you know any other things that you can only understand if you grew up in North Yorkshire? Feel free to share them with us on Facebook and Twitter.