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Tips to keep cats safe this Christmas

Charity Cats Protection have offered advice on how to keep them out of harm in the festive season.

There are new sights, smell and sounds in December, not only for us but our four-legged friends.

Cats Protection have these top tips so you don't have a 'cat'-astrophy;

  • Keep an eye on the Christmas tree. Cats like to be the star of the show, so some may be tempted to climb to the top
  • Display any hanging decorations closer to the top of the tree, out of the way of mischievous paws
  • Ensure your Christmas tree has a sturdy base, or secure it with weights to stop it from toppling over
  • Real Christmas trees can produce some oils that are toxic to cats. Make sure you pick up any fallen needles to prevent them from ingesting any parts of it and to protect their paws
  • Avoid using glass baubles, or any decoration that may break easily
  • Always switch off Christmas lights at the mains when you are not around
  • Be careful with tinsel - if cats eat it, it can cause serious harm
  • Don't place any presents for your cat under the tree, especially if they contain catnip - it will just entice them further
  • If your cat is particularly playful, make sure they are supervised when near the tree
Watch out for your cats around baubles on the tree

Alison Richards, Cats Protection's Central Veterinary Officer said:

"We also advise cat owners to be aware of poisons plants, such as poinsettia's and lilies, and foods, such as chocolate and raisins.

"You may be tempted to give your cat a treat during the festive period but even small amounts of certain foods can be toxic to cats."

They've created this video with the '12 'nays' of Christmas'.

Be sure to look after Santa Claws and make sure they're 'feline' fine this year.