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10 years of the York 10k

York runners are set to celebrate in style.

Thousands of runners are getting ready to pull on their trainers and help the Asda Foundation York 10K celebrate a special milestone.

Next month’s run on Sunday 5th August marks the 10th anniversary of an event that, since its launch, has grown into one of the region’s biggest charity road races.

Over the years a total of more than 50,000 people have entered the run, raising over £2.5m for a host of good causes both big and small.

Charities whose work has been boosted by the race include Macmillan Cancer Support, Jane Tomlinson Appeal, St Leonard’s Hospice, York Teaching Hospital Charity, Brain Tumour Research and Support, Candlelighters, Mind York, Martin House Children’s Hospice and York Against Cancer.

The event has provided countless memories for runners and spectators alike, with 2010 turning out to be particularly memorable for schoolboy Oscar Bygott, whose footballing hero Sir Geoff Hurst started the race.

Oscar, who had gone along to support his mum, Sarah, managed to meet Sir Geoff and got the hat-trick hero of the 1966 World Cup final to sign his football.


The Roman Soldiers love it too

Roman soldiers are synonymous with York’s ancient past and a group of centurions turned a good few heads when they reported for duty to help launch the 2015 run.

On the 10th anniversary the York 10K, the route will once again start and finish on Knavesmire Road alongside York Racecourse and pass the city’s many historic landmarks including Clifford’s Tower and the minster.

The route has proven extremely popular with runners and has lead the 10K to be hailed as one of the most beautiful city runs in the UK.

The York 10K forms part of the legacy of the late Jane Tomlinson, who raised £1.85m for charity by tackling a series of gruelling endurance challenges despite battling cancer.

That spirit and determination is reflected in the thousands of runners of all abilities who take part each year to raise funds for causes close to their hearts.

Every year, some of the biggest cheers are reserved for the youngsters aged between three and 14 taking part in the Arena Group York Mini and Junior Run which will also be taking place on Sunday 5th August in 2018.

Tristan Batley-Kyle, Head of Events at organisers Run For All, said:

“It has been wonderful to see the York 10K grow into the hugely popular event that it is today.

We are enormously grateful to everyone – runners, spectators and volunteers – who contribute so much to its success.

“Some people run in memory of loved ones, to overcome a personal challenge, to support their favourite charity or for a PB. Whatever their reason for running, it is always inspiring to see so many people willing to take on the challenge."


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