Advertising on Minster FM
43% of Local
People Listen To Us*
6.7 Average Weekly Hours Per Listener**
Minster FM is the market-leading local commercial radio station, with 155,000 listeners*, reaching 43% of all local people*.
Our website is visited 119,000 times a week, and we engage with 59,000 Facebook users.
That's a lot of local people, and a lot of potential customers who could be seeing and hearing about your business.
Can you afford not to talk to them? Get in touch with us now!
*Source: RAJAR/Ipsos MORI/RSMB – Q4 2019, simulated 13 week figure, Minster FM TSA
**Source: RAJAR/Ipsos MORI/RSMB – Q4 2019, weekly figure, Minster FM TSA
119,000 Weekly
Website Visits
185,000 Weekly Online Pageviews
577,000 Weekly Facebook Reach
What Minster FM Can Offer...
Radio Advertising
Powerful, memorable commercials on Minster FM
Associate your brand with a popular show, feature or service
Get our audience involved with your brand as part of features such as competitions
Advertise and promote your brand on our website and social media platforms
Sell your products on our site to gain advertising credit without a budget
Video Production
Our videographers can create professional corporate videos to promote your brand
Find Out More...
Online data source: Google Analytics/Facebook Insights